We’ve absolutely adored sharing the beautifully detailed work of Sydney-based designer Ianny Munari Bastos and hope you’ve loved her designs as much as we have! Ianny’s designs are rich, intricately illustrated, and feature warm...
Thrilled to share that next up as The Designer Project’s feature artist is designer Ianny Munari Bastos. Ianny is originally from Brazil and has been based in Sydney for the last four years. The...
We’re so excited to be sharing the incredible work of Sydney-based textile artist Jo Mellor who has recently been creating artworks focused on the drought and mismanagement of water in the Menindee Lakes and...
We are so excited to share that we have finally made it possible for our customers to custom print onto rayon fabric! The newest addition to our range of stock fabrics is sure to...
We have felt so very fortunate to have the incredibly talented Beck Ng of label Fabric Drawer taking part in this instalment of The Designer Project and have loved sharing her creativity and designs...
We’re so excited to announce that for our newest instalment of The Designer Project we will be focusing on the fantastically fun work of Melbourne-based surface designer and maker Beck Ng! Beck initially worked...
You asked and we delivered! After receiving plenty of enquiries over the last few years into custom printing on natural fabrics with stretch, we’ve recently added two new printers to our studio which has...
What a joy it’s been sharing the incredible talents of artist and designer Tina Dinte through our current instalment of The Designer Project! One Blu Eye is the recent brainchild of Tina’s, expanding her...
We’re thrilled to announce that our next feature artist in The Designer Project is Brisbane-based artist Tina Dinte! Tina works as a full-time artist whose love of drawing and a background in graphic design...
It’s been an absolute pleasure starting off this year’s series of The Designer Project with the ultra-talented designer Daniela Glassop and have adored sharing her beautifully detailed textiles designs with you. Daniela has made...