Showcase: Rebecca Strickland

We are always curious to see the finished printed products our customers produce and to read what inspired them to create a printed piece. This month we interviewed 2013 fashion student Rebecca Strickland, who printed with us for her fashion college final capsule collection.

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What inspired you for your fashion collection?

I was given 5 different briefs to choose from for my end of year work at TAFE. I chose the pastel compilation because it reflected my girly personality, I also wanted to challenge myself in the print factor being as if I did pastel I had to design an iconic sport print and felt like I was up for the challenge because it was out of the norm for me being a girly girl and not focused on sports.

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Rebecca (second from left) with her designs


Who is your favourite designer?

Suboo would have to be my favourite. They are well known for their swimwear at Fashion Week but their dresses are amazing! Loving the new floral prints they came out with this season.

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Why do you think fashion prints are a good element to have in your designs?

Without fashion prints designs would be boring and incomplete. The Fashion industry is running out of unique silhouette’s and design lines. Fashion print is the most original and self-expressive way in your garment and it reflects you as a designer and no one can steal that.

What are your plans for the future?

I am 8 months out of TAFE now and working for an online Fashion Shoe Store. I have found it to be very challenging as I have steered away from the design aspect of Fashion which I learnt at TAFE, but I absolutely love it. In the future I hope to be an inspiring social media manager for an Online Iconic Brand.

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Images source: all from designer Rebecca Strickland

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