Meet the Designer – Sarah Field

Meet Our Next Featured Designer: Sarah Field! In this blog post, we dive into her latest design project. We’ll take you behind the scenes to explore her creative process. Discover the inspiration, challenges, and triumphs that shape her work. Get ready to be inspired by Sarah Field’s extraordinary talent!


I am so pleased to be a part of this wonderful collective of designers. I am based in North Brisbane, QLD and am both a fine artist and surface pattern designer. My style of painting is very delicate and intricate. I adore flowers and you will always find my studio scattered with paintings of flowers in various stages of completion and fresh or fading flowers in vases and vintage teacups!



The collection of patterns I’m releasing with Digital Fabrics reflects my love for the gorgeous French country aesthetic. In my early 20s I travelled Europe and fell in love with the overflowing flower gardens, natural stone walls, antique furniture and soft pastel tones. The style is effortlessly elegant and natural.



My process for creating is very intuitive. I hand paint the flowers from life here in my studio. I am a single mum and although my boy Harry is pretty used to me painting away in a corner of the home, I usually reserve my intense painting sessions for the evenings. When all is quiet in the world, I grab a hot tea, put on a podcast and paint petal by petal. For me the process is so enjoyable, second only to seeing my work bring joy to others.



My original artwork has been featured in various galleries and exhibitions here in Australia and I’ve also been lucky enough to exhibit in Italy as part of the Fabriano In Acquerello Watercolour Event this year. I’ve always had this desire though to create patterns and see my work come alive in other forms. So last year I joined Cass Deller’s surface pattern design course and fell instantly in love with this wonderful process of turning my hand painted motifs into repeat patterns.

I hope you love this mini collection and I can’t wait to see how you use these designs in your own creative projects. X

You can shop my original artwork and learn more about me at and follow my process on Instagram


This collection reflects my love for floral fabrics and French country style. Fresh flowers in the studio are my greatest inspiration and they are what inspired this collection of work. Oscar Wilde wrote ‘flowers blossom for their own joy’. This quote stays with me, as it reminds me that life is all about those moments of creating and finding your own joy. Find happiness in the beautiful colours on a flower petal, find comfort in their scent, nature gives us so much to enjoy, we must just remember to seek it out every day. Which is why I absolutely love sharing these designs with you!

This collection began as hand painted watercolour illustrations, which I then turned into repeat patterns. I have featured colours in the works that have a nod to the warm tones of French country décor style, soft pinks, yellows and blues. While the ‘Red Poppies’ and ‘All Over Poppies’ bring in some brighter warm colours seen in Provincial design.


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