The Might of Military Formations

Not to make light of a serious subject that has the potential to affect everyone the world over, but over the past couple of weeks as the North Korean nuclear threat deepens and images of its military forces are beamed to us in all manner of forms, has anyone else noticed the design significance?

It may sound an odd thing to say, and as much any social event has the potential to influence a fashion trend of sorts, this is not necessarily what I’m getting at. If you go back to the principles and elements of design; line, form, direction, perspective…the images of the North Korean military formations are a great example of these in play.

And while I’m not saying ‘look at the pretty pictures, not at what is actually going on over there’ it’s more about being visually aware of design occurrences and appreciating how this can impact creating for any end product, even seamless repeating textile designs. Be inspired, no matter how random.

Military Formations

Please note, that this post is not intended to offend or course intentional distress to the reader.

Images found in Google Image search using “north korean military formation”

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